31/03/2020 – Investment in cotton quality pays off
Investment in cotton quality pays off
The last season is the third best performance in terms of production of the last 20 years in Agentina.
18/03/2020 – Uncertain cotton balance sheet
Uncertain cotton balance sheet
The novel coronavirus outbreak and its potential ramifications have lowered the consumption in China.
17/03/2020 – Cotton arrivals have picked up pace
Cotton arrivals have picked up pace
Post estimates marketing year (MY) 2019/20 cotton production at 6.4 MMT with a planting area of 13 mn hectares.
04/03/2020 – Environmentally friendly textiles
Environmentally friendly textiles
The worldwide cotton consumption is estimated at about 26 mn tons. Altogether, the need for all fibres on the part of the textile industry is considerably ...
05/02/2020 – In fünfter Generation
In fünfter Generation
Kontinuität bei Sembach Technical Ceramics in fünfter Generation: Anna Sembach trat zum 1. Januar 2020 in die Geschäftsleitung ein.
03/02/2020 – Messe Frankfurt reacts to Novel Coronavirus outbreak
Messe Frankfurt reacts to Novel Coronavirus outbreak
Messe Frankfurt announced today that its three textile fairs in Shanghai will be postponed from March to a later date due to the Novel Coronavirus outbreak.
15/01/2020 – Gut gewappnet ins neue Jahrzehnt
Gut gewappnet ins neue Jahrzehnt
Beim PolitFashion-Neujahrsempfang der deutschen Textil- und Modeindustrie äußert sich Dr. Uwe Mazura, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Gesamtverbands textil+mode, ...