

07/11/2016 – Confederation of the German Textile and Fashion Industry

Confederation of the German Textile and Fashion Industry

Digital, communicative, international, sustainable

The Confederation acts as an umbrella organisation and spokesperson for the industry, including 1,400 businesses, 130,000 employees and approx. EUR 31bn. By  Editorial staff

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Stephan L.K. Freichel (Photo: Freichel)

03/11/2016 – Quality assurance throughout the textile chain – Part 5

Quality assurance throughout the textile chain – Part 5

QA and logistics – how do they work together?

Quality is often associated more with the (manufactured) product. But it includes all of the activities throughout the length of the supply chain. By  Editorial staff

(Photos: Hermes)

02/11/2016 – Logistics 4.0

Logistics 4.0

Blind spots in the collection of supply chain data

42 per cent of large companies say that in some areas of the supply chain they are still blind because no data are collected there. By  Editorial staff

Cematex has appointed Mr Fritz P. Mayer as its new President at its recent General Assembly meeting held in Amsterdam (Photo: Cematex)

24/10/2016 – CEMATEX & ITMA


Fritz P. Mayer ist the new president

CEMATEX, the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers based in Zurich, Switzerland, has appointed Mr Fritz P. Mayer as its new President. By  Editorial staff

The key highlight of the event, organised by the European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing (Textile ETP), was the unveiling of the Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda (SIRA) (Photo: textile-platform)

18/10/2016 – Textile ETP Conference

Textile ETP Conference

“European Textiles – going digital, going high-tech”

Some 150 participants from 24 countries attended the conference “European Textiles – going digital, going high-tech” held on 12-13 October in Brussels. By  Editorial staff

from the left to the right: Eric Schöller, Mitglied der Geschäftsführung Groz-Beckert KG, Dr. Monica Segata, Italcementi S.p.A., Dr. Karl-Michael Schumann, Contarix GmbH, Linda Keppinger, MaterialsMove, Andreas Engelhardt, The Fiber Year GmbH, Martin Weiler, Groz-Beckert KG, Omar Cividini, Brembo S.p.A, Jan Kettemann, Schlegel und Partner GmbH (Photo: Groz-Beckert)

09/10/2016 – Groz-Beckert


International textile conference in Albstadt

Groz-Beckert invited customers and partners to an innovative exchange. By  Editorial staff

With about 5,000 square meters, the new building is about half as large again as the old building (Photo: Mayer & Cie.)

27/09/2016 – Mayer & Cie.

Mayer & Cie.

New factory building opened

On 8 September 2016, the Albstadt-based company Mayer & Cie. (MCT) opened its Czech subsidiary’s new factory hall in Vsetín. By  Editorial staff