29/08/2024 – Entscheidende Schritte in Richtung Mode-Kreislaufwirtschaft
Entscheidende Schritte in Richtung Mode-Kreislaufwirtschaft
Die Modemarke Zara und der US-amerikanische Textilrecycler Circ warten mit einer zweiten Bekleidungskollektion aus recyceltem Textilabfällen auf.
13/03/2024 – Status update: EU Ban on products made with forced labor
Status update: EU Ban on products made with forced labor
March 6th: negotiators from EU Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on new rules that ban products made with forced labor from the EU ...
05/12/2023 – z-emotion – Aus Südkorea in den Europa-Markt
z-emotion – Aus Südkorea in den Europa-Markt
Maßnahmen zur Digitalisierung entfalten ihre Kraft, wenn sie eine sinnstiftende Synthese bilden: In der jedes einzelne Element einen werthaltigen Mosaikstein ...
29/11/2023 – VDMA
Equally encouraging but also alarming news is reported by VDMA section of Textile Care, Fabric, and Leather Technologies: the sales of the German manufacturers ...
24/10/2023 – „KlarTEXt“-Project kicked off
„KlarTEXt“-Project kicked off
Das Pareto-Prinzip wählte Maike Rabe zur anschaulichen Darstellung der Crux der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie, auch wenn es um die Notwendigkeit verantwortlichen ...
19/10/2023 – 1st ITSCDC@University of Applied Science, Mönchengladbach
1st ITSCDC@University of Applied Science, Mönchengladbach
The foundation of any digitized processes, production-related and from cradle-to-grave for finished goods, lays in the collection and targeted processing ...
11/10/2023 – IACDE International Convention 2023 – Rome
IACDE International Convention 2023 – Rome
Everything starts anew where everything invariably begins – along this cognition, the IACDE had chosen the Italian capitol and couture metropolis for ...