17/02/2021 – Together against audit fatigue
OECD’s February Forum: New initiative by ITMF and IAF
An article by Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh.

On a side session of the current OECD Forum, ITMF and IAF presented the Standards Convergence Initiative. After the Paris event in 2020, video conferences are currently on the agenda. Unquestionably different - certainly climate-friendly. (from left to right: Christian Schindler, ITMF; Matthijs Crietee, IAF; Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh, M+M; Deniz Thiede, Triple-Tree). © yh-f

On a side session of the current OECD Forum, ITMF and IAF presented the Standards Convergence Initiative. After the Paris event in 2020, video conferences are currently on the agenda. Unquestionably different - certainly climate-friendly. (from left to right: Christian Schindler, ITMF; Matthijs Crietee, IAF; Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh, M+M; Deniz Thiede, Triple-Tree). © yh-f