Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh


Hanae Mori, aufgenommen am 1. August 1973. © Fairfax Media Archives

15.09.22 – Nachruf


Hanae Mori gestorben

Modeschöpferin Hanae Mori, Vorreiterin japanischen Designs in der internationalen Welt der Couture, verstarb am 11. August 2022 in Tokio. Von  Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh

?From March to December 2021, a group of public buyers of garment and textiles participated in a pilot project to explore the integration of OECD risk-based due diligence into the public procurement of garment and textiles – the OECD Pilot. © j-mel/stock.adobe.com

30.08.22 – OECD e-learning course

OECD e-learning course

Due Diligence for Garment and Footwear Supply Chains

A new e-learning course on “Due Diligence for Garment and Footwear Supply Chains” is available. For textile network readers no participation fees are incurred. Von  Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh

Der Ausbau der digitalen Infrastruktur der The Lycra Company ermöglicht neue Formen der Interaktion mit dem weltweiten Kundenstamm. © The Lycra Company

18.08.22 – Partnerschaft mit Browzwear

Partnerschaft mit Browzwear

The Lycra Company beschleunigt digitale Transformation

The Lycra Company, Entwickler nachhaltiger Faser- und Technologielösungen, gibt die Partnerschaft mit Browzwear bekannt, einem 3D-CAD-Anbieter. Von  Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh

The presentations of Miyake’s collections were always among the highlights of Paris Fashion Week. © private

12.08.22 – Fashion legend

Fashion legend

Japanese fashion designer Issey Miyake is dead

Issey Miyake has died at the age of 84 in a hotel in Tokyo as a result of cancer. As now known and confirmed by the Miyake Group, the designer succumbed ... Von  Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh

Multi-channel sales via analog and virtual worlds – The Adidas flagship store Shanghai opened in November 2018. With launch date of December 17, 2021, Adidas is also operating in the metaverse. © Adidas

14.07.22 – Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Status quo in the Fashion Arena

textile network’s correspondent Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh shades some light on where the fashion and apparel segments stands to adopt A.I. related technologies. Von  Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh

The content creator area at Neonyt conveys a deeper understanding of the value of sustainable fashion and sustainability in general. Fashionistas were able to get dressed and photographed when wearing styles of sustainable brands. © Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh

11.07.22 – Neonyt 2022

Neonyt 2022

All under the sign of sustainable fashion, design and art

Parallel to the three trade fairs for textile materials, home textiles and technology solutions, the city on the river Main again presented its Frankfurt ... Von  Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh

Julien Born, CEO der The Lycra Company: „Ich bin hocherfreut, dass wir die volle Unterstützung unserer neuen Anteilseigner und der neuen Vorstände bekommen, wenn wir das nächste Kapitel in der Geschichte der The Lycra Company beginnen.“ © The Lycra Company

Eine Gruppe institutioneller Investoren, bestehend aus der südkoreanischen Lindeman Asia/Lindeman Partners Asset Management, Tor Investment Management ... Von  Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh