
Cetex-Mitarbeiter Falk Mehlhorn an einer Anlage für die kontinuierliche Herstellung Roving-basierter textiler Halbzeuge. © Cetex

09.09.24 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 36/2024

Hier präsentieren wir Ihnen die fünf meist gelesenen Artikel aus der Vorwoche. Das Ranking basiert auf Ihrem Klickverhalten auf der Webseite. Von  Sven Ramer

From left to right: Gautam Kumar Dhang (CEO Fabric Business Gimatex), Vineet Mohota (Director Gimatex) and Manish Deolankar (General Manager Gimatex) in front of Trützschler’s Bale Opener. © Trützschler Group SE

09.09.24 – On our own behalf

On our own behalf

Review of the industry - week 36/2024

At this point, we present the five most read articles of the past week. The ranking is based on your click behavior on the website. Von  Sven Ramer

Für die chemische Analyse von PFAS in Mixturen oder Produkten bietet TÜV Rheinland verschiedene maßgeschneiderte Pakete an. © Pressebild / TÜV Rheinland

03.09.24 – Textilchemie


PFAS-Beschränkungen: anstehende Ausschuss-Entscheidungen

TÜV Rheinland klärt über die neuesten Entwicklungen der EU-Beschränkungen zu Per- und Polyfluralkylsubstanzen (PFAS) auf. Betroffen sind u. a. Textilien, ... Von  Sibylle Michel

eVent Fabrics offers a full range of PFAS-free laminate options for apparel, footwear and accessories. © eVent Fabrics

02.09.24 – Outdoor clothing

Outdoor clothing

eVent Fabrics prepares for a PFAS-free future

With pending legislation and changing consumer sentiment, eVent offers eVent Bio and eVent alpineST Laminates without PFAS “forever chemicals”. Von  Redaktion

© AdobeStock_448532373 Ondra Vacek

11.10.23 – Textiles Intelligence

Textiles Intelligence

PFAS alternatives stir optimism

The latest developments in alternatives to PFASs (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) or “forever chemicals” are showing promise for use in the manufacture ... Von  Redaktion

Planned PFAS ban threatens important textile machine components. © nd3000/

The EU's planned ban on the entire group of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) would put many industrial processes at risk according to the German ... Von  Redaktion

GTT, a global leader in waterless and PFAS-free textile finishes, is redefining the standard in PFAS-free anti-wicking technologies with its Empel platform. © Green Theme Technologies

28.07.22 – Textile finishing

Textile finishing

GTT’s PFAS-free protection for footwear

As PFAS bans accelerate, Green Theme Technologies (GTT) is able to exceed current performance standards while eliminating PFAS from footwear production. Von  Redaktion