Biobased materials


UPM and Vaude think beyond recycling by launching a prototype of first ever fleece jacket made from wood-based polyester. © Vaude

28.11.23 – UPM Biochemicals/Vaude

UPM Biochemicals/Vaude

Fleece jacket made from wood

UPM Biochemicals and Vaude collaborate closely to produce outerwear made with bio-based chemicals to prove that the shift towards renewable materials in ... Von  Christine Heywood

TômTex is collaborating with nature to create a new class of materials for the apparel, automotive, and consumer goods industries. © TômTex

30.11.22 – Biobased fabrics

Biobased fabrics

TômTex makes materials from food waste

The innovative materials science company TômTex offers a 100% bio-based material, created from food waste with two key ingredients: seashells or mushrooms. Von  Sibylle Michel (Aktuell in Mutterschutz)