

Artistic Milliners and Archroma leverage eco-advanced sulfur black dyestuff to rewrite the future of denim. © Artistic Milliners

13.12.23 – Artistic Milliners/Archroma

Artistic Milliners/Archroma

Rewriting the future of denim

Artistic Milliners and Archroma are reshaping denim`s future through eco-advanced sulfur black dyestuff. Collaborating, they harness Archroma`s “Diresul ... Von  Redaktion

With the update of its powerful software for the digital creation of jeans, the Spanish firm, Jeanologia, positions itself as a partner of reference for eco-efficient digitalization. © Jeanologia

07.11.23 – Jeanologia


Transforming denim design with “eDesigner”

Jeanologia, a Spanish company specializing in the development of eco-efficient technologies, has launched an updated version of its “eDesigner” software, ... Von  Redaktion

IACDE`s Rome Convention underlined the unique potential getting the actual creators in a mutual work session together with stakeholders along the value chain. © Photos: Niclas Riesener

At this point, we present the five most read articles of the past week. The ranking is based on your click behavior on the website. Von  Sven Ramer

© Tonello

18.10.23 – Tonello at Kingspin

Tonello at Kingspin

Curtain up for “From deep white to pure indigo”

On October 18th-19th, 2023, Tonello returns to Kingpins with an innovative showcase of garment finishing technologies and partnerships that are set to ... Von  Redaktion
At this point, we present the five most read articles of the past week. The ranking is based on your click behavior on the website. Von  Sven Ramer

Priya Ahluwalia`s “Acknowledgements” collection © Ahluwalia

25.09.23 – London Fashion Week SS24

London Fashion Week SS24

Isko supports emerging British fashion designers

Isko, part of Sanko Tekstil, known for pioneering denim innovations, took an important step in supporting emerging British fashion designers during London ... Von  Redaktion

„Der Zweck dieser Zusammenarbeit ist es, baumwollfreie Stoffe mit unserer einzigartigen Öko-Wasch-Technik zu kombinieren, um den authentischen konventionellen Look zu erhalten und eine Waschung zu erzielen, die normalerweise bei Baumwoll-Denim erreicht wird“, erklärt Andrea Venier, Managing Director bei Officina+39. © Advance Denim

06.07.23 – Tencel, Advance Denim & Officina+39

Tencel, Advance Denim & Officina+39

Neue baumwollfreie Denim-Kollektion

In Zusammenarbeit haben die Lenzing Gruppe, der Denim-Produzent Advance Denim und das italienische Chemieunternehmen Officina+39 eine neue baumwollfreie ...