Artistic Milliners and Archroma leverage eco-advanced sulfur black dyestuff to rewrite the future of denim. © Artistic Milliners
Artistic Milliners and Archroma leverage eco-advanced sulfur black dyestuff to rewrite the future of denim. © Artistic Milliners
With the update of its powerful software for the digital creation of jeans, the Spanish firm, Jeanologia, positions itself as a partner of reference for eco-efficient digitalization. © Jeanologia
IACDE`s Rome Convention underlined the unique potential getting the actual creators in a mutual work session together with stakeholders along the value chain. © Photos: Niclas Riesener
„Der Zweck dieser Zusammenarbeit ist es, baumwollfreie Stoffe mit unserer einzigartigen Öko-Wasch-Technik zu kombinieren, um den authentischen konventionellen Look zu erhalten und eine Waschung zu erzielen, die normalerweise bei Baumwoll-Denim erreicht wird“, erklärt Andrea Venier, Managing Director bei Officina+39. © Advance Denim