

The EUDR aims to prevent deforestation by ensuring products entering the EU do not contribute to deforestation or environmental degradation. © Trustrace

30.10.24 – EU Deforestation Regulation

EU Deforestation Regulation

“Brands must act now despite EUDR delay”

TrusTrace has partnered with leading enterprise brands, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and OpenAtlas, to create a validated solution for shipment-level ... Von  Redaktion

Das Technikum Laubholz unterstreicht mit der Eröffnung der Pilotanlage seine Position als Vorreiter in der Translation von nachhaltigen Technologien in den Markt. © Technikum Laubholz GmbH

29.10.24 – Neue nachhaltige Materialien

Neue nachhaltige Materialien

Holzbasierte Carbonfasern für Hochleistungsprodukte

Das Technikum Laubholz revolutioniert die Materialentwicklung mit WDBSD CF – holzbasierten Carbonfasern, die eine nachhaltige Alternative für industrielle ... Von  Sibylle Michel

TechStyle Fabric Alignment Station, the next milestone in the evolution of Stratasys 3D Fashion-technology. © Stratasys

29.10.24 – 3D printing

3D printing

Stratasys introduces a new era in 3D printed fashion

The new TechStyle fabric alignment station meets high-end fashion demands to seamlessly integrate various technologies while printing with high accuracy. Von  Redaktion

IVG Insolvenzversteigerung Breckle GmbH. © IVG Industrieverwertungs Gesellschaft

28.10.24 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 43/2024

Hier präsentieren wir Ihnen die fünf meist gelesenen Artikel aus der Vorwoche. Das Ranking basiert auf Ihrem Klickverhalten auf der Webseite. Von  Sven Ramer

Effortless customization across materials: with “Trapis”, printing on natural fibres like cotton and silk is now faster and more cost-effective. © Mimaki

28.10.24 – Textile printing

Textile printing

Mimaki's “Trapis” ushers in a sustainable future

For decades, polyester has been the cornerstone of the textile printing industry. Its compatibility with the digital sublimation process – a cost-effective, ... Von  Jasmin Deschner

(L-R) Sindre Ostgard from Katapult Ocean, Lewis Shuler, Head of Innovation, Paradise Textiles and Adam Root, Founder and CEO of Matter. © Alpine Creations

28.10.24 – On our own behalf

On our own behalf

Review of the industry - week 43/2024

At this point, we present the five most read articles of the past week. The ranking is based on your click behavior on the website. Von  Sven Ramer

Tyvek is breathable, yet resistant to water, abrasion, bacterial penetration and aging, making it ideal for a wide variety of applications across diverse industries. © DuPont

25.10.24 – Nonwovens for a wide variety of applications

Nonwovens for a wide variety of applications

Lightweight and durable

DuPont Tyvek is a nonwoven material with a distinctive quality look and feel, which adds strength, durability, and long life to virtually every print application. ... Von  Jasmin Deschner