
The “TSA“ objectively measures the parameters that determine the overall haptic quality of textiles. © emtec Electronic

At this point, we present the five most read articles of the past week. The ranking is based on your click behavior on the website. Von  Sven Ramer

TrusTrace launched its third annual industry playbook. © TrusTrace

28.05.24 – TrusTrace


Demystifying digital product passports

TrusTrace has launched a comprehensive playbook titled “Unlocking DPP: The Why, What and How of Digital Product Passports,” providing an essential guide ... Von  Christine Heywood

CEO, Philipp Gottstein. © Gottstein GmbH & Co. KG

At this point, we present the five most read articles of the past week. The ranking is based on your click behavior on the website. Von  Sven Ramer

Brussels, March 6, 2024: Negotiators from EU Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on new rules that ban products made with forced labor from the EU market. © Photo: Lukasz Kobus

13.03.24 – Status update: EU Ban on products made with forced labor

Status update: EU Ban on products made with forced labor

Fierce control and non-compliance mechanisms planned

March 6th: negotiators from EU Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on new rules that ban products made with forced labor from the EU ... Von  Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh

Working together with EU institutions and other European and international stakeholders, Euratex focuses on clear priorities: an ambitious industrial policy, effective research, innovation and skills development, free and fair trade, and sustainable supply chains. © stockadobe

17.07.23 – European Parliament

European Parliament

Euratex’s Position on the Ecodesign Regulation

The European Parliament has approved its stance on the Ecodesign Regulation, which aims to enhance the environmental sustainability and circularity of ... Von  Redaktion

Ulrich Müller, geschäftsführender Vorstand der Deutschen Kleiderstiftung. © Deutsche Kleiderstiftung Spangenberg

13.07.23 – Kreislaufwirtschaft


Deutsche Kleiderstiftung begrüßt Vorschläge der EU-Kommission

Die großen Mengen an Textilabfällen, die in der EU entstehen, sind umweltschädlich und teuer. Nur ein Bruchteil davon wird recycelt. Um diesem Problem ...

textil+mode-Hauptgeschäftsführer Uwe Mazura: „Europas Unternehmen brauchen endlich bessere Rahmenbedingungen, mehr Vertrauen und weniger Bürokratie, um Beschäftigung und Wohlstand nachhaltig zu sichern. Die EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie in der jetzt vom EU-Parlament beschlossenen Form schadet diesem Ziel.“ © photothek

14.06.23 – EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie


Gut gemeint, aber nicht gut gemacht

Der Anfang Juni vom Plenum angenommene Bericht der Abgeordneten Lara Wolters ist ein Dokument der Praxisferne, das die Realität der krisengeschüttelten ...